Sunday 1 February 2015

Imbolc 1-2 February

Could that be spring on the horizon? I hope so. I don't enjoy cold weather or cold weather sports or anything in fact that involves getting cold! So by Imbolc I am more than ready for the lighter nights and the sight of the spring bulbs pushing through. And that is what Imbolc is ultimately about - the warming of the earth, the promise of warmer weather and new growth. Though Imbolc is a Pagan festival it has been acknowledge in may other religions.
February the 2nd is Candlemas; a mass to bless the candles used in the following year. It is also the feast of purification of the Virgin Mary.
By Jewish law it took forty days for a woman to be cleansed following the birth of a son. And forty days prior to February 2nd is December the 25th.
From my book, The Wheel of the Year.

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